Saturday, October 5, 2013


This is what happens when you put cinnamon in water. It becomes  ...


Containing or resembling mucus and gelatin.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


An interesting article ...

from the NY Times Magazine: 
Why are there not more females in science-related jobs?

Happy Friday!

6th graders:  Practice IXL math today - 8th grade H.1 - H.4

ALGEBRA: During math class on Friday, please write out definitions for the Key Vocabulary on p. 121 in your textbook. You are to complete this during AF or for homework if – for any reason - you are unable to complete it in math class. You will be QUIZZED on Monday on the definitions and examples of the vocabulary.

GEOMETRY: Do your best to complete the dreaded Packet. Next week is NECAP testing, so let's wrap up Chapter 2!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Word du jour


 adjective \ˌməl-tə-ˈpli-kə-tiv,ˈməl-tə-plə-ˌkā-tiv\


:  tending or having the power to multiply
:  of, relating to, or associated with a mathematical operation of multiplication <the multiplicative property of 0 requires that a × 0 = 0 and 0 × a = 0>
— mul·ti·pli·ca·tive·ly adverb

Whoa! Say that 5 times fast! 

HOMEWORK - October 2, 2013

6th graders - ALL: practice 15x tables, D: work on "math story". Tomorrow we will learn about the ancient Egyptian fraction system. For a sneak peek, go here:

Algebra:  ALL: Text p. 97 Guided Practice questions 1 - 5, p. 114 q. 34-41, begin to memorize Properties of Multiplication (p. 89) for next Wednesday; Z & E: do q. 3 - 14 on p. 113. Tomorrow we finish Chapter 2.

Geometry: Finish questions relating to Sections 2.1 through 2.4 in your Packet. Tomorrow we finish Chapter 2. Have fun on your kayaking trip!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Word of the Day | entomology

entomology •\ˌen-tə-ˈmä-lə-jē\• noun

: the branch of zoology that studies insects
The word entomology appeared in this New York Times article, “Wily Cockroaches Find Another Survival Trick: Laying Off the Sweets” by James Gorman.
How many entomologists do you know? I can think of 3, at least. Have you met Mrs. Stevens' Madagascarian hissing cockroaches yet? She keeps them in her lab at OTHS. They are surprisingly sweetly disposed. 

HOMEWORK - October 1

6th GRADE MATH: review prime numbers 2-101, multiplication tables as assigned for QUIZ  tomorrow (10/2). finish Bits & Pieces pre-assessment

ALGEBRA: review prime numbers 2-101, square and cube roots for QUIZ  tomorrow (10/2). IXL assignments

GEOMETRY: finish 2-column proofs in packet. Chapter 2 review tomorrow (10/2)


Welcome parents and students!

Regarding assignments & homework: Those of you with Infinite Campus access can check "Assignments" there, as well.

The Wonderbox this month (October) contains Really Woolly Things. You are most welcome to bring in your Really Woolly Things to add to the display.
We begin making hats for Doc Nesin this month.

Mrs. Harvey is leading a 7th grade literature group studying "Frankenstein". It is worth a read. Contemplate the responsibility of humans to their creations: are we responsible for the actions of that which we create? If so, when does that responsibility end?