6th grade math:
All set (except 1 of you).
Good job getting your homework done!
MONDAY: (3/31 - in class) TEST OUT of Covering and Surrounding
TUESDAY: (4/1 - independent work) PRE-ASSESSMENT for Bits & Pieces III
Your classroom teacher has your test.
Do what you can in class AND 20 minutes at home.
HW - So your HW is 20 mins of math work - as much as you can accomplish in that time.
WEDNESDAY: (4/1 - in class) review BITS & PIECES III pre-assessment
THURSDAY: (4/3 - in class) begin work on Bits & Pieces III book INV 1
topic: + and - decimals
FRIDAY: (4/4 - independent work) based on BITS & PIECES III
IXL work:
Converting repeating fractions to decimals watch then DO
WATCH and DO: Begin working on The Origins of Algebra. There is hopefully enough here to keep you engaged for the 80 minutes of your class :)
For Monday April 7, have everything from Investigation 1 DONE.
MONDAY: (3/31 - in class) review of CHAPTER 7 TEST
TUESDAY: (4/1 - independent work)
- objective: begin to prepare for cumulative test
HW - redo those TEST B & C questions you missed
WEDNESDAY: (4/2 - in class) - umm, Math Meet, so no real class
THURSDAY: (4/3 - in class) hand in your corrections from Chapter 7 tests B & C
- review Chapters 1& 2 for cumulative exam
FRIDAY: (4/4 - independent work)
Review Chapter 3, 4, & 5 for cumulative exam: go through the textbook. Reread the definitions, look at the Solved Examples at the beginning of each Section . Make note of any new CONTENT (as in, we didn't cover it or you forgot it) - content, not exercises. For example, if we didn't do a technology exercise, but it uses content you are familiar with, don't note this as being something to work on. Make sense? If not, write to me and I will get back to as soon as possible. I should be able to get back to you fairly quickly tomorrow. Go as far as you reasonably can. There is NO expectation that you will get through to the end of Chapter 5. Do not rush yourself. Do a thorough review, but don't dwell on things you know.
For HW, over the weekend, work on these questions from the book:
8.1: Read p. 489-491. Do questions 3, ,7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 39, 58
MONDAY: (3/17 - in class) - look at CHAPTER 11 TEST results
TUESDAY: (4/1 - independent work) - review TRIG (Ch. 7)
WEDNESDAY: (4/2 - in class) - Math Meet :)
THURSDAY: (4/3 - in class) - - review TRIG (Ch. 7)
FRIDAY: (4/4 - independent work) - - review TRIG (Ch. 7)
MONDAY: begin writing
THURSDAY: first draft due
6th grade MONDAY: hand in ABSTRACTS for review/begin planning poster presentation
6th grade WEDNESDAY: - look at REVISED Abstract / work on poster presentation
7th grade TUESDAY: - hand in ABSTRACTS / begin planning poster presentation
7th grade THURSDAY: - look at REVISED Abstract / work on poster presentation
8th grade TUESDAY: - hand in ABSTRACTS / begin planning poster presentation
8th grade THURSDAY: - look at REVISED Abstract / work on poster presentation