Monday, April 14, 2014

Week of April 14 - 18, 2014

Week of April 14 - 18, 2014


So, when I ask you to EXPAND something, this is NOT what I mean...

Hey Nick, we've had a request for the me+he puzzle ...

6th grade math: 

MONDAY(4/14 - in class) Bits & Pieces III - INVESTIGATION 5

1) Analyzing faulty reasoning. 
     Good job! It was fun, too! 
2) determine at least 2 methods of finding the percent amount of a number
     (such as 80% of 20).

HOMEWORK: Do p. 55 q. 1 - Using percentages in every day life.

TUESDAY: (4/15 - independent work) Review Bits & Pieces III - INVESTIGATIONS 1-5

Begin the Practice Sheets. All of these together are your test for Bits & Pieces. Work on it today, in class on Thursday and independently on Friday. You can work on it during Academic Focus, too. Hand it in to me on Friday. And you'll be done! 

WEDNESDAY(4/16 - independent work) Review Bits & Pieces III - INVS. 1-5

We'll review whatever you see on your test that looks like you can't answer it.

THURSDAY(4/17 - in class) TEST OUT OF Bits & Pieces III 

Continue working on Bits & Pieces III test. 

FRIDAY(4/18 - independent work) TEST OUT OF Bits & Pieces III 

Woohoo!!! No homework over April Vacation! 


MONDAY(4/14 - in class)

review Resource packet answers to Chapter 8.1, 8.2 and 8.3
- review solving negative exponents problems 

HW - for Wednesday: Resource Packet

8.5 - Exponential Growth
p.55 q. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9
p. 56 q, 14, 19
read pp. 49, 57, 58
p. 64 q. 3, 4

8.6 - Exponential Decay
p. 70 q. 1, 2, 4, 6, 8
p. 71 q. 15, 16, 17, 18, 
read pp. 72 & 73

TUESDAY: (4/15 - independent work)  resource book Sections 8.5 & 8.6 

See above

Remember - 

1) product of powers: a^m * a^n = a^m+n
2) power of a power: (a^m)^n = a^mn
3) power of a product: (ab)^m = a^m * b^m

WEDNESDAY: (4/16 - in class

1. Review Resource Book Sections 8.3, 8.5 and 8.6; 

2. Finding square roots; 

3. Cube roots:

THURSDAY(4/17 - in class) Sections 8.3, 8.5 and 8.6

Review of Sections 8.3, 8.5 and 8.6.
No homework due to Invention Convention tomorrow :)

FRIDAY(4/18 - independent work) review 

Leave me your Resource Packet work so I can review it over the vacation.

You may begin today to work on the Cumulative Exam (Chapters 1-7). 
You also have Chapter 8 Exit Test to complete.

Take your time with the tests. It is not a timed test - no race! I am really looking for your display of skills. I know you KNOW it all -  now it's your turn to show the WORLD (well, maybe not the world, but certainly your parents and some teachers) how AWESOME you are with this stuff. 

!!Have a wonderful vacation!!


MONDAY(4/14 - in class) - Chapter 12

TUESDAY: (4/15 - independent work)  Chapter 12: volume & similarity of cones

WEDNESDAY4/16 - in class) - TEST OUT --> Chapter 12

THURSDAY(4/10 - in class) - look at Chapter 12 results

FRIDAY(4/11 - independent work) - begin cumulative review - ENTIRE TEXT

Have an AWESOME vacation!


MONDAY:  first draft due
THURSDAY: review first draft


6th grade MONDAY: database lesson in Library with Mr.s Boone
6th grade WEDNESDAY:  - presentations 
7th grade TUESDAY: - work on poster presentation / finish writing results
7th grade THURSDAY: -   work on poster presentation / finish writing results

8th grade TUESDAY: - work on poster presentation / finish writing results
8th grade THURSDAY: -  work on poster presentation / finish writing results