Monday, March 17, 2014

week of March 17 - 22, 2014

Week of March 17 - 22, 2014


6th grade math:

MONDAY(3/17 - in class) continue work on Covering and Surrounding book

objective: demonstrate understanding of the relationship of perimeter to area in rectangles and the effect of a change in either or both

TUESDAY: (3/18 - independent work) IXL practice 

userid / password example: dorothydawson406 / lms

these are all live links:

WEDNESDAY(3/19 - in class) continue work on Covering and Surrounding book

objective: demonstrate understanding of the relationship of perimeter to area in rectangles and the effect of a change in either or both

HW - find the area of the square with 1/16 removed

THURSDAY(3/20 - in class) continue work on Covering and Surrounding book

objective: demonstrate understanding of the relationship of perimeter to area in rectangles and the effect of a change in either or both

HW - add vegetable and flower gardens to Sarah's field. find the area. 
leave it for me in the HW envelope

FRIDAY(3/21 - independent work)



Next week - we're on to triangles.


MONDAY(3/17 - in class) 
- objectives: determine level of confidence with 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3

- check last week's homework

TUESDAY: (3/18 - independent work)
- objective: learn how to solve linear systems by multiplying first

- READ pp. 451-4
- come to class on Wednesday prepared to teach Mrs. Dawson how to do it!  

WEDNESDAY(3/19 - in class) 

objective: demonstrate competency in solving linear equations by multiplying first
 - 7.5: special types of linear systems (no solution, all real numbers, same)

 - teach the teacher!

HW:  none

THURSDAY(3/20 - in class)

ZF and EK: in math block - read 459 - 462, 
do questions 5, 6, 7, 14, 15, 18, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 36

objective: review 7.1 through 7.5

HW: none

FRIDAY(3/21 - independent work)

objective: review Chapter 7.1 - 7.5

HW: take home QUIZ

Next week: 7.6 System of Inequalities


MONDAY(3/17 - in class) - objective: determine what you need to learn from 11.1 and 11.2 by analyzing pre-assessment.

TUESDAY: (3/18 - independent work) - Chapter 11 Resource Book - sections 11.1 and 11.2, trapezoids, kites, etc.

WEDNESDAY(3/19 - in class) - 11.3: Perimeter and Area of Similar Figures

finish 11.3 in resource book

THURSDAY(3/20 - in class) - 11.4: Circumference and Arc Length

FRIDAY(3/21 - independent work)



MONDAY:  check-in with work assigned last week
THURSDAY: check-in with updated work


6th grade MONDAY:  

- answering questions about National Geographic Time Travel video
- planning a time line for experiment

6th grade WEDNESDAY: 

- investigating Einstein

7th grade TUESDAY: - view National Geographic Time Travel video
7th grade THURSDAY: - answering questions about NG Time Travel video

8th grade TUESDAY: - view National Geographic Time Travel video
8th gradeTHURSDAY: - answering questions about NG Time Travel video

Robotics Team:

WEDNESDAY(3/19) practice 2.30 - 7.00

THURSDAY(3/20) practice 2.30 - 7.00

FRIDAY(3/21) practice 2.30 - 7.00 (I will order pizza and drinks)

SATURDAY: (3/22) practice 9.00 - 3.00