Week of May 19 - 23, 2014
6th grade math:
objective: learn x, y axes; learn Quadrants and what numbers you would find in each, study Coordinate Graphs as a means to represent data
TUESDAY: (5/20 - independent work) "DATA ABOUT US"
objective: study coordinate grids and practice graphing data points
WEDNESDAY: (5/21 - in class) "DATA ABOUT US"
objective: learn how to find and use the mean
There has been a small scheduling change:
This is our last day with new material from this book.
This is our last day with new material from this book.
THURSDAY: (5/22 - in class) "DATA ABOUT US"
FRIDAY: (5/23 - independent work) "DATA ABOUT US"
Great East trip - GOOD LUCK!!!
Change in schedule: TUESDAY MAY 27 is the <END OF BOOK TEST >
MONDAY: (5/19) CHAPTER 13: Probability and Data Analysis
We didn't get to 13.1 Find probabilities and odds.It was time well spent on polynomials.
Here is the KHAN ACADEMY video we viewed
TUESDAY: (5/20- independent work) CHAPTER 13: Probability and Data Analysis
DOUBLE BACK: Finish your Chapter 9 work - resource book section 9.8 and Cumulative Test
If you really love this polynomial stuff (I do!) you can do more practice through this site.
WEDNESDAY: (5/21 - in class) CHAPTER 13: Probability and Data Analysis
Chapter 9 test is the Cumulative Review at the end of your Resource Packet,
due Wednesday, May 19.
13.1 Find probabilities and odds.
13.2 Find probabilities using permutations
THURSDAY: (5/22 - in class) CHAPTER 13: Probability and Data Analysis
13.3 Find probabilities using combinations
FRIDAY: (5/23- independent work) CHAPTER 13: Probability and Data Analysis
Great East trip - GOOD LUCK!!!
MONDAY: (5/19 - in class) year-end review
TUESDAY: (5/20 - independent work)
Finish your year end test, if you need the time to do so.
When you finish, check your answers and redo any work that is required.
When you finish, check your answers and redo any work that is required.
WEDNESDAY: (5/21- in class)
Review of year end test.
THURSDAY: (5/22 - in class)
Algebra principles.
FRIDAY: (5/23 - independent work)
Great East trip - GOOD LUCK!!!
First draft due Monday, May 12.
6th grade MONDAY: GIP showcase project planning
**BR&HS come to Room115 during AF on Wednesday, May 21 for pH experiment**
6th grade WEDNESDAY: GIP showcase project planning
7th grade TUESDAY: - GIP showcase project planning
7th grade THURSDAY: - GIP showcase project planning
8th grade TUESDAY: - GIP showcase project planning
8th grade THURSDAY: - GIP showcase project planning