Monday, May 19, 2014

Week of May 19 - 23, 2014


Here is the link to MAKE magazine online:

A really, really bad math joke ....

6th grade math: 


objective: learn x, y axes; learn Quadrants and what numbers you would find in each, study Coordinate Graphs as a means to represent data
TUESDAY: (5/20 - independent work) "DATA ABOUT US" 

objective: study coordinate grids and practice graphing data points

WEDNESDAY(5/21 - in class) "DATA ABOUT US" 

objective: learn how to find and use the mean
There has been a small scheduling change:
This is our last day with new material from this book.

THURSDAY(5/22 - in class) "DATA ABOUT US" 


FRIDAY(5/23 - independent work) "DATA ABOUT US" 

Great East trip - GOOD LUCK!!!
Change in schedule: TUESDAY MAY 27 is the <END OF BOOK TEST >


MONDAY: (5/19) CHAPTER 13: Probability and Data Analysis

We didn't get to 13.1 Find probabilities and odds.It was time well spent on polynomials.
Here is the  KHAN ACADEMY video we viewed

TUESDAY(5/20- independent work) CHAPTER 13: Probability and Data Analysis

DOUBLE BACK: Finish your Chapter 9 work - resource book section 9.8 and Cumulative Test

If you really love this polynomial stuff (I do!) you can do more practice through this site.

WEDNESDAY(5/21 - in classCHAPTER 13: Probability and Data Analysis

     Chapter 9 test is the Cumulative Review at the end of your Resource Packet,
     due Wednesday, May 19. 

13.1 Find probabilities and odds.
13.2 Find probabilities using permutations

THURSDAY: (5/22 - in class) CHAPTER 13: Probability and Data Analysis

13.3 Find probabilities using combinations   

FRIDAY(5/23- independent work) CHAPTER 13: Probability and Data Analysis

Great East trip - GOOD LUCK!!!


MONDAY: (5/19 - in class) year-end review


TUESDAY(5/20 - independent work

Finish your year end test, if you need the time to do so.
When you finish, check your answers and redo any work that is required.

WEDNESDAY: (5/21in class

Review of year end test.   

THURSDAY(5/22 - in class) 

Algebra principles.
FRIDAY(5/23 - independent work) 

Great East trip - GOOD LUCK!!!


First draft due Monday, May 12.


6th grade MONDAY:  GIP showcase project planning
**BR&HS come to Room115 during AF on Wednesday, May 21 for pH experiment**

6th grade WEDNESDAY:  GIP showcase project planning

7th grade TUESDAY: -  GIP showcase project planning
7th grade THURSDAY: -   GIP showcase project planning

8th grade TUESDAY: GIP showcase project planning
8th grade THURSDAY: -   GIP showcase project planning